Aerosoft Mega Airport Frankfurt Professional, the busiest airport in Germany is now available in Real Flight Shop.
New in the P3D V4 version:
- All code (BLGs) compiled with P3D V4 SDK, using new material options and being performance optimised to the new engine
- All objects optimised for new shadow technology
- Ground layout including detailed aerial image following P3DV4 SDK
- Automatic seasonal changes of relevant 3D objects based on V4 scripting variables, also for snowfall outside winter season
- New, individual ground adaptations to prevent steps at airport borders when using different meshes (e.g. default/FTX Global)
- New, optimised 3D runway lighting with activation/deactivation based on time of day and weather conditions
- Apron lamps with new effects and dynamic light
- Changed AFCAD approaches at AirDac 1708