Compatible with PREPAR3D v4.4
SIMstarter NG - Most simmers are flying different aircraft in different scenarios and locations. The problem is that each of these combinations needs another simulator configuration to get the best performance, reduce the probability of Out Of Memory errors and show the scenery at its best. SIMstarter NG solves that problem, using profiles that set the simulator just as you want it.
SIMstarter NG has a "Flight Control Center" to create these profiles and configuration sets. Another benefit of NG is, that you stay in control of your configuration because SIMstarter NG handles your configuration (a copy of it). With every simulator start you will have a nice and clean simulator configuration. In addition, almost any setting can be changed using a nice interface so you do not need to edit config files.NG also has a Livery Manager which allows you to import aircraft liveries by click or show all your installed add-on airports in Google Earth.
NG allows you to create profiles for your simulator with different settings. For example, you can create a profile for VFR flights in one region with a lot of eye candy and another for your IFR flights with less autogen objects, a different scenery and so on. In addition, NG includes a lot of other helpful tools to manage your simulator configuration.
SIMstarter NG is the next generation of the older freeware tool SIMstarter. SIMstarter NG allows you to create 99.999 profiles for different scenarios, configurations, scenery settings, running different programs etc.. Each profile can be combined with each configuration set which makes NG much more flexible to use and much more comfortable. Nearly 90% of the old code of SIMstarter has been ewritten. SIMstarter was based on FSX and then expanded to FSX-SE and PREPAR3D but it was never intended to work with different simulators. NG was developed from the ground up to be compatible with FSX and PREPAR3D.

- Define up to 999 independent Start profiles to start FSX/PREPAR3D
- JumpStart to jump into a saved flight in combination with a SIMstarter profile
- All settings of FSX and PREPAR3D can be configured by mouse-click for each profile
- Select preconfigured tweaks for FSX and PREPAR3D
- Create individual ScenerySets for each profile to disable scenerys which are not needed
- Create individual start definition and file operations (copy, rename, delete files) for every profile including exit program when Simulator has been exited
- Create individual XML-Set for DLL.XML and EXE.XML for FSX and PREPAR3D
- Define Standard Flight for every profile
- All changes will be documented in Logbook
- Create shortcuts to Desktop for every profile
- Including Livery Manager to sort or hide Liveries
- Sort and validate configuration Files like fsx.cfg
- Diff-Manager which manage changes that have been done by other programs
- TextInfo Manager to easily define TextInfo and SlewTextInfos
- GoogleEarth Export to show all your AddOn Sceneries in GoogleEarth
- Clear your joystick controls for homecockpit users
- Select individual SplashScreens for every profile
- SIMstarterClient to start programs on a remote computer
SIMstarter NG is based on the well-known SIMstarter and people who contributed will be invited to a free copy. The following changes have been made to create SIMstarter NG:
- General: New beautiful GUI
- General: More flexibility because each configuration set can be used in one ore multiple profiles
- General: Added dialog if you want to close the simulator if its running
- General: All dialogs follow the same user interface logic
- General: Use of FSX/FSX-SE/PREPAR3D in parallel
- General: Assign Configuration Sets directly to a profile (very useful)
- General: Add, Copy, Rename and Delete profiles and Configuration Sets
- SceneryManager: Reworked Editor. Let you edit everything scenery related.
- SceneryManager: Colored overview for a better overview
- SceneryManager: Moving one or multiple sceneries below another entry (very useful)
- SceneryManager: Export an overview of all sceneries to a HTML page
- SimObjects: Reminder if new SimObjects are found
- SimObjects: Fully compatible with P3Dv3 now
- LiveryManager: Improved performance
- LiveryManager: Import library to import liveries to a repository. Makes it very easy to import new liveries.
- LiveryManager: Source directory can be defined now
- Profiles: Use different FSUIPC.ini files
- Profiles: Load a FlightPlan
- Profiles: Startposition improved dialog performance
- Profiles: Autodetect changes on a aircraft.cfg and reload aircraft cache
- Profiles: New SplashScreens
- Profiles: SplashScreens will work for P3Dv3 as well
- Profiles: New Start Screen
- Profiles: METAR / TAF dialog
- RunManager: New interface
- RunManager: Select Affinity for each program
- RunManager: Wait to start a program until the simulator has been loaded
- XML-Manager: Complete reworked interface allows you to manage all DLL.XML and EXE.XML settings.
- DiffManager: Assign changes to every SimulatorConfiguration Set
- CleanDesk Manager: Define programs that should be stopped at the beginning of the simulator session and restarted if simulator is closed (good idea for programs that are not need for your simulator)
- Logbook: Complete new logbook of all user changes. You’ve done a change to the configuration and don’t know anymore? No problem for the logbook!

Conclusion by
"...once you have mastered SIMstarter NG, you may never go back to the standard way of running you sim. The program is immensely powerful, and with the added features like CleanDesk and the autorunning, Orbx region setup and Active Sky Next configuration included in the program itself, it is hard to imagine ever not using it."
Read review
FSX: SP2, FSX: STEAM or Prepar3D V2.4 to 3.3
Windows 7/ Windows 8.1/ Windows 10 (all fully updated and preferably 64 bits)
2.0 GHz processor (Intel Core 2 Duo highly recommended)
8 GB RAM internal memory
2 Gb graphic card (3 Gb highly recommended)
PDF reader for manual
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Internet connection required.