Flight Replicas Super Cub - Combined package

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$39.95 ($39.95 excl VAT)

Want the full Super Cub experience, to be able to explore every facet of what still makes the Super Cub one of the most popular aircraft in the world? Then this is the package fore you.

The complete package contains 18 models, to let you explore a vast range of operations and flying experiences.


The Super Cub is one of aviation's most successful aircraft stories. In close to 40 years of production, over 9,000 were built, and a number of speciality companies continue to produce replicas and further developments to this day.

Introduced in 1949 by Piper Aircraft, it was developed from the Piper PA-11, and traces its lineage back through the J-3 to the Taylor E-2 Cub of the 1930s.

The Super Cub remained in production with Piper through until 1981, when almost 7500 had been built over an uninterrupted 32 year production run. Piper continued building Super Cubs on behalf of Texas based WTA who held the manufacturing and marketing rights from 1981 until 1988. In 1988 Piper resumed marketing responsibility for the Super Cub and continued low rate production. Financial troubles meant that Super Cub production ceased in 1992, before resuming once more the following year. Finally in late 1994 Piper announced that the Super Cub would not form part of its model line for 1995 and that it would cease production after the last of 24 on order for distributor Muncie Aviation were completed. (source: Airliners.net)

Famed as a Bush Plane on wheels, floats and skis, Super Cubs can be found all over the world in a great variety of roles, from a general GA aircraft to banner towing and glider tug.

Today, companies such as CubCrafters, Backcountry, Turbine and Mackey offer kits, parts and fully assembled aircraft for those who want to continue flying this outstanding aircraft design.

The aircraft in the Flight Replicas packages depict modern (e.g.. restored/modified) versions of the older models.

Types Included:

Super Cub - Standard Variants, including Early and Military

1. Early - 95 hp
2. Standard - 150 hp
3. Standard with Carbon-fibre Wheel-Skis - 150 hp
4. Standard with Amphibious Floats - 160 hp
5. L-18 Military - 95 hp
6. L-21 Military (two versions) - 150 hp

Super Cub - Deluxe IFR Amphibious

7. IFR equipped on Amphibious Floats w. square instrument panel ?180 hp

Super Cub - Classic Bushplanes

8. Classic Bush Plane on 32?wheels
9. Classic Bush Plane on Edo 2000-type Floats
10. Classic Bush Plane on Federal-type Skis
11. N8050C on 26?wheels ?150 hp
12. N8050C on Edo 2000 floats ?150 hp
13. N8050C on Federal skis ?150 hp

Super Cub - Extreme Bushplanes

14. Bush Plane on 35?wheels - 150 hp
15. Bush Plane on 32?wheels w. square instrument panel ?180 hp
16. Extreme Bush Plane on 35?wheels w. thrust line mod ?180 hp
17. Extreme Bush Plane (L-21) on 35?wheels w. square inst. panel - 180 hp
18. Extreme Bush Plane (Experimental) on 36?wheels w. squared wings, droop aileron system, square instrument panel ?210 hp

The Manual can be found in the ...Microsoft Flight Simulator XSimObjectsAirplanesSuper_Cub_Standard folder


light Dynamics tested by real Super Cub owner (and 747 Captain);
ncludes custom sounds;
ighly accurate VCs;
ix different instrument panels;
ind sounds when doors and/or sliding windows open;
ower door, keychain and other items react to dynamic forces;
udible overstressing of the airframe;
heel, float, amphibious float and ski versions;
heeled versions have water-skimming ability, for fun plus assisted ultra-short-off-airport landings;
?Brake-stand" take-offs for wheeled versions;
PS can be stowed away;
emovable fuel/baggage pod and strut-mounted rifle, on Classic version;
8050C replicates a real aircraft inside and out, and verified by the owner;
ully clickable and workable cockpits overall;
wo different models;
ee-through lower door, on Classic model;
evised float dynamics;
ump and specular mapping;
nimated pilots, including over rough terrain;
ull flight operations manual, accurate and derived from the original;
aint kits for each version
Please note: Sceneries depicted in screenshots are the spectacular Plum Island Airport and Tongass Fjords, by FSAddon, and Twin Oaks Portland by Orbx.

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