Just Flight BATTLE OF BRITAIN Me 109

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The Me109 was the Luftwaffe’s equivalent of the RAF’s Spitfire and these two fighters were to clash repeatedly during the Battle of Britain. This famous German aircraft saw action on many fronts, from the skies over Europe to Russia and down to the heat of North Africa.
Custom built exclusively for Just Flight, with an incredibly detailed and ultra-high quality cockpit, several model variations, exacting flight dynamics, realistic engine sounds and top-quality liveries, this is the ultimate Me 109 package for FSX!
All the aircraft from this Me 109 add-on are also available in the Battle of Britain 70th Anniversary package (Download and Boxed) which also includes our Spitfire and Hurricane add-ons.

Features overview
 Developed exclusively for Flight Simulator X
 Highly detailed exterior models
 Extremely high quality interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit
 Great sounds
 Canopy jettison feature
 17 highly authentic liveries
 Animated pilot figure
 Detailed Daimler Benz engine and nose guns visible
 Numerous animations
 High fidelity flight model
 Detailed manual
 Engine start and gun effects
 Multiple view points
 Load-out manager
 Auto-slats

 BF109 E4 Battle of Britain version
 BF109 E4 Tropical version

Exterior models
 Built following the most accurate plans available to achieve accurate profiles and shapes
 Specular and bump mapped where appropriate.
Virtual Cockpit
 Completely modelled to portray the real cockpit, in full detail
 Every switch, knob and lever works, most with bespoke animation code
 Shadow textured where appropriate
 High resolution textures and alpha mapped text (text remains sharp however close you zoom in)
 Load-out Manager available from within the VC with four load-outs (long range fuel tank, large bomb, four 'bomblets' and clean/unloaded)
 Side-hinged canopy
 Opening radio door which reveals a period FUG radio system
 Animated pilot figure
 Canopy jettison feature
 Undercarriage
 Opening engine cover reveals an accurate Daimler Benz engine and nose guns
 Auto-slats
 Control surfaces - flaps, rudder, elevators, ailerons and trim tabs
Special effects
 Engine start smoke effect
 Gun firing effects and sounds

 Highly detailed texture mapping without compromising frame rates.
 Layered paint kit included to help create your own liveries (suitable additional paint program such as Photoshop required).
Included aircraft
Me 109-E StabII/JG54 - crash-landed at Chapel Holding, Small Hythe, Tenterden, Kent, on 12th October 1940. Pilot Oblt. Bernard Malischewski was captured unhurt.
Me 109-E Tropical 1/Jg27 - The Me 109E4 was very active in the African campaigns of 1941. 'White 3' from 1/JG27 is typical of the type and displays one of the many variations of tropical camouflage trialled throughout this period. Flown by Hans Joachim Mersaille.
Me 109-E II/JG53 - Flown by Gruppenkommandeur Hptm. Freiherr Gunther von Maltzahn of II/JG 53, this machine displays the red band carried by the unit between August and October 1940.
Me 109-E Japanese evaluation aircraft - Many countries were interested in the Me 109 as a front line fighter. Japan evaluated several of Germany's aircraft and this E4 is one of five sent there for testing. History records them as being 'unarmed'.
Me 109-E Escadrila 58, Grupul 7 Vanatoare - Stalingrad, late 1942. A single victory bar has been painted forward of the cockpit of this Me 109E of Grupul 7 Vanatoare (7th FG). The Donald Duck emblem was applied only to this Group's Emils. This aircraft was often flown by Locotenent aviator Alexandru Serbanescu and it was lost at Stalingrad at the end of 1942.
Me 109-E 3.J/88, Condor Legion (Spanish Nationalists) - Pilot: Oblt. Hans Schmoller-Haldy, March 1939. Mickey Mouse 3.J/88 insignia, with personal beer mug pilot insignia (he was a member of the 'Cardinal Paff' pilots' drinking club founded in Belgium; note the 'CP' sign on the mug).
Me 109-E Russian - The Soviet Messerschmitt Me 109 is one of several supplied under the Soviet-German Pact of 1940. As the tide of war changed, it could very well be that these aircraft ended up fighting similar machines of the Luftwaffe.
Me 109-E Captured French - 'White' 6 was captured by the French just before the end of the Battle of France, in early 1940.
Me 109-E Staffel 9 Gruppe I JG27 - This machine operated in Libya, North Africa, in the Spring of 1941.
Me 109-E Staffel 9 Gruppe 2 JG27 - A JG27 machine displaying yet another tropical scheme, from Libya, 1941, Gustav Rodel was the pilot.
Me 109-E 3.JG52 - This machine carries the famous 'Horrido' emblem of the JG2 unit but little else is know about the aircraft. It is finshed in an unusually dark mottle pattern and carries no familiar JG2 shield beneath the cockpit.
Me 109-E Stab III/JG54 - Flown by Oblt. Albrecht Drehs of Stab III/JG54 this aircraft force-landed near Margate in Kent on 12 August 1940, the height of the Battle of Britain.
Me 109-E Stab 9/JG54 Yellow 13 - 'Yellow 13' crash-landed in the Netherlands in 1940. It is depicted here as it was in August 1940, flown by Lt. Joseoh Eberle.
Me 109-E Stab/JG2 heavily stippled mottle - As flown by Major Harry von Bulow-Bothkamp - Geschwader Kommodore of JG2.
Me 109-E Stab/JG26 - As flown by Pilot Major Adolf Galland, Geschwwader Kommodore of JG26. Perhaps the most photographed, modelled and painted Me109 ever, it really typifies the 'Emil' as it was flown in the Battle of Britain.
Me 109-E Stab/JG2 - As flown by Pilot ace Major Helmut Wick - Geschwwader Kommodore of JG2, 1940
Me 109-E Stab/JG3 - based at Grandvillers,France, in September 1940. Pilot: Hptm, Hans von Hahn.

• Flight Simulator X (SP2 & DirectX 10 Preview compatible)
• 2.5GHz PC or any Dual Core
• 512Mb RAM
• Windows 7, Vista or XP
• 128Mb 3D graphics card
• 264Mb hard drive space

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