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This simulation depicts the ‘Tiffy’ in Mk 1B form, at the height of its success from 1944 on.

Exterior model

  • Built over the best plans available and using researched material
  • Many animations including correct gear retraction, flaps, canopy and radiator flap
  • Castoring tail wheel with scale compressions
  • All-new highly detailed and animated pilot with oxygen mask and animated goggles
  • Special OPTIONS panel allows for a variety of load-outs - rockets, bombs or tanks and 'clean'
  • 'Cold & dark' start option provided with the OPTIONS panel
  • Correct overpaint of landing lights when rockets are loaded
  • Rocket primers in unfused and fused states
  • Gun flash effects with spent shell casings ejected
  • Realistic engine start using specially coded prop hesitation, smoke and flame
  • Highly detailed model comes with six liveries and a Pro quality paintkit

Cockpit model

  • Highly accurate representation of the Mk 1B cockpit
  • Many uniquely coded animations including a collimated gunsight, authentic fuel tanks selection and contents gauge panel
  • Correct start procedures include boost coil and cartridge starter with loud sound effect
  • Beautiful rendered details and special build techniques to provide an 'immersive' feel to the cockpit
  • Hidden 'secret' navigation equipment can be toggled on to provide VOR and ILS guidance, GPS flightplans etc.
  • Working supercharger control - Moderate and High settings to aid with climb and combat performance

Flight dynamics

Flight dynamics are highly realistic and provide a challenge for the virtual pilot. The 'Tiffy' was not a very easy aeroplane to fly, especially at slow speeds. This is reflected in the flight dynamics. A more benign set of flight dynamics files are provided as an option for those who prefer a more relaxed experience.


Fully engineered sound package includes the cartridge start effect and the characteristic supercharger whine.

Included aircraft

  • SF-S  137Squadron Manston June 1944 flown by F/O A.N.Sames
  • MR?  245 Squadron Holmesly 1944 flown by Squadron Leader Jack Collins
  • PR-m 609 Squadron Thorney Island June 1944
  • 18-P 440 Squadron September 1944
  • TP-F 198 Squadron August 1944
  • ZY-Y 247 Squadron December 1944 Flown by Squadron Leader B.G. Stapleton

Hawker Typhoon

In 1938 the British Air Ministry issued Specification F.18/37 for a fighter, to be capable of at least 400 mph at 15,000 ft with an engine equipped with a two-speed supercharger. At Hawker, Sydney Camm, designer of the legendary Hurricane fighter, laid out designs for a successor to the Hurricane even before that masterpiece was to distinguish itself in the Battle of Britain.

Designed to be built with traditional Hawker construction methods, the Typhoon was powered with the new Napier Sabre engine, an ‘H’ pattern 24-cylinder monster producing 2,200 hp initially, rising to a whopping 3,500 hp in later models.

Initial Typhoons were built with ‘car-door’-style cockpit canopies with multi-pane glazing. This was later replaced with a ‘bubble’ clear-view canopy which gave excellent all-round vision for the pilot.

Many modifications and upgrades were incorporated in new Typhoons and retro-fitted to existing ones. Early production Typhoons suffered from tail section failures under the high-stress conditions of diving.  Responsible for 23 pilot deaths, tail structure failure was a major issue for the design team and ultimately all Typhoons were updated using a series of external fish-plates, riveted to the transport joint, ahead of the tail-fin.

Carbon monoxide leaked from the engine compartment into the cockpit so pilots were ordered to wear oxygen masks at all times when the canopy was closed, even on the ground. Despite these initial production problems and continuing changes, the Typhoon became one of WWII's most successful ground attack aircraft and with the addition of long-range external tanks could penetrate deep into enemy territory, disrupting industry, destroying transport systems and clearing the way for the post-D-Day campaigns.


  • Flight Simulator X (with SP2/Acceleration), FSX: Steam Edition or P3D v2/v3 (compatible)
  • 2GB RAM (minimum)
  • 512MB graphics card
  • Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • 780MB hard drive space
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I absolutely loved everythingnews this post, you are very talented in terms of writing and know how to make it sound interesting. Looking forward to seeing more great posts from you soon.
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I absolutely loved everythingnews this post, you are very talented in terms of writing and know how to make it sound interesting. Looking forward to seeing more great posts from you soon.



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